At Salem Grace we believe a small group is the best place for sustained life change to occur. In our groups, we study God’s Word and discuss the issues and challenges of life. It’s also where we pray together, care for one another, and are missed if we don’t show up. If you’re looking for a place like this but haven’t found it yet, let us know!
Our Groups
Groups @ Salem Grace
J.O.Y. (Just Older Youth)
Monday, 5:30-7:00pm, Fellowship Hall
These Seniors are young at heart truth-seekers who discuss Sunday’s sermon together on Monday Nights at the church. ​Led by Lee & Shirley Kern

Blanketed with Prayer
1st & 3rd Mondays at 5:30pm
Our baby blanket ministry is MUCH more than just making baby blankets... come also for the fellowship! All experience levels are welcome. Led by Ashton Smith

Sister Roar
2nd & 4th Wednesdays, 6-7:30pm
This group of ladies meet to discuss the chosen book, but more importantly to share their faith, fellowship, and support each other.
​Led by Milrea Howe and Cathy Malone

Low-Impact Exercise
Mondays & Wednesdays, 9-10am, gym
This is a work-at-your-own-pace class and all exercises can be modified to meet your needs! ​Led by Suzanne Henry Brown

If you or someone you know has suffered a miscarriage or has experienced any form of infertility, we would like to cordially invite you to our new support group, Mama MIAS! My goal is to bring women with similar experiences together to fellowship, grow, and rebuild our identities as women no matter where we may be in our journeys. I'm excited to meet you and love on you. If you feel this might be a group you would be interested in, please reach out to our church office 548-0881 or Alyssa at 237-0495.
​Led by Alyssa Willman

High School Guys
Sundays at 7pm
This group is a group for high school guys who want to grow their faith and build strong friendships. This is a group you can be yourself, ask tough questions, and find support from others who understand what it means to be a young man in the world today.
Led by ​Cole Casburn

College Men's Group
This group is made up of college aged guys. This group is all about fostering friendships, supporting each other through the ups and downs of life.
​Led by Chris Ice
Thursdays, 6:00pm

Prince of Peace Posse (Group is Full)
Sunday, 5:00-6:30pm, in the Fellowship Hall
Saddle up with this dynamic group of Seniors who meet, eat, and discuss Sunday’s sermon together. Led by Carroll & Sherry

Eat - Laugh - Pray
This is a place for women who have lost their spouse... because we just all understand! We go out to eat, take day trips, and hang out at the church (and eat!). Times and dates vary.
​Led by Lisa Brothers

Young Families
Sunday Evenings at Pastor Trent's House
This group is a warm and welcoming community of young families within our church. They come together to build meaningful relationships, grow in their faith, and support one another in the joys and challenges of life.​
Led by Trent & Cheryl

Financial Peace University
Date and time TBD
In just ten weeks, participants will learn commonsense ways of handling money including ways to eliminate debt, save, budget, spend wisely, and invest for the future. Led by Kayla & Kenny Benzing
Sermon Discussion Guides​
We encourage you to use this discussion guide to better understand this week's sermon; you can do this on your own, with a friend, your family, or in a small group. The guide includes four parts:
Talk About It. A question to get you started in thinking about this sermon and/or these questions.
Read About It. Scripture referenced in the sermon and questions.
Think About It. Questions to better understand the scripture.
Do Something About It. Prompt to help us incorporate teachings in this sermon and scripture into our life this week.
At Salem Grace we believe a small group is the best place for sustained life change to occur. In each group, we study God’s Word and discuss the issues and challenges of life. It’s also where we pray together, care for one another, and are missed if we don’t show up. If you’re looking for a place like this but haven’t found it yet, we want to help.
Small Groups​
Small Groups are a great way to grow in faith, practicing accountability and becoming stronger disciples of Christ.​
Be a Group Facilitator
Our Community Group leaders create the environments in which our people can grow on their discipleship journey.